Dec 12, 2023Liked by Charlotte Jackson

Once again Char, your words resonate deeply ...turning 60 this year I'm finally using my "time chips" more wisely, yes, its taken me this long :) so bravo to you for seeing this so clearly in your 20's!! You truly are wise beyond your years and each newsletter you share enriches my life so!! thank you beauty!! also I love the addition of the beautiful music and listening to your voice as well xx

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Thank YOU for being such a constant, loving support of my writing and life in general. So grateful for you and the wisdom we get to share. I often think of you when I write these xx

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"Spun out"! Thanks for giving words to that coffee shop moment when you've had too much caffeine and are questioning everything. I save your newsletters for when I can read slowly and enjoy them fully.

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haha so glad you resonate with the existential coffee shop over-caffeination dread. this is such a lovely comment. I, too, save your words for moments in which I can give them my full attention. appreciate you lots!

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Inspired by you and resonate with so much of this, as always! I love your eloquent way of describing the thoughts going on in your mind in a way that makes it feel as if I was having the thought. Thank you for your vulnerability and clarity as you share these themes!

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Nikki!! Thank you so much, this means the world coming from you. I love this reflection so much. I am really glad this resonates and so appreciate you taking the time to let me know! I hope you're doing well x

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Charlotte Jackson

Dear Charlotte,

I want to take a few moments to thank you for allocating time to create beautifully mindful and significant newsletters. This newsletter in particular shines with your thoughtfulness and sincerity.

It is a reflection of the foresight and wisdom you possess far beyond your years..

It is clear you are someone who cultivates her values. In doing so, and in seeking truly "what matters", you are a blessing and breath of fresh air during these often tumultuous and uncertain times. That you seek groundedness in your values and that you are able to inspire others is imperative. Know that your messages are welcomed and appreciated..

BTW.. as a woman in the (mostly) fabulous sixth decade of life...the gaps definitely get much larger from being in the washing machine (jarring as hell). Oh yes, life continues to be a spectacular journey!

With love, Daureen

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Daureen, wow. I cannot begin to tell you how much these words mean to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and let me know that this resonates with you. This is the type of comment that makes me even more excited to keep writing. I appreciate you so deeply. And I am so glad to hear that the washing-machine gaps expand with age !! You are a true gem. I hope to see you soon!! xx

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Thank you for your kind response, Charlotte.. Hope to see you soon, too! ❤️

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